Performance assessment of irrigation and drainage

Performance assessment of irrigation and drainage is the systematic observation, documentation and interpretation of the management of an irrigation and drainage system with the objective of ensuring that the input of resources, operational schedules, intended outputs and required actions proceed as planned. To facilitate the use of this tool, international guidelines were published with CABI.

Following an introduction on this concept in Chapter 1, a framework on performance assessment is presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 then defines and discusses 23 recommended indicators covering the water balance, the environment and the economic aspects of the region. The method by which the indicators are used for operational and strategic performance assessment is discussed in Chapter 4, while the diagnostic use of the concept is presented in Chapter 5. The ultimate purpose of performance assessment is to achieve an efficient and effective project performance by providing relevant feedback to the project management at all levels. All related aspects of data management and communication with water users are illustrated in Chapter 6.

Performance assessment of irrigation

and drainage is a modern tool

to produce food for a

growing population.




Terminology on

performance assessment

and sustainable agriculture

The reference of the hard cover book is: Bos, M.G., M.A.Burton and D.J.Molden, 2005. Irrigation and Drainage Performance Assessment; Practical Guidelines, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 156 pp